old social media me vs new social media me

Summer semester began this past Monday, and I am currently taking EME6414 Web 2.0 Learning course. I am very excited about this course since it was highly recommended by classmates and a professor. So far, the course has presented interesting topics, conversations, and questions. Many topics and conversations have led me to reflect on what social media meant to me in my younger self and what it means to me now, in my older self. 

I recall having multiple blogs, through Blogger, in my early 20's and sharing my thoughts and feelings on social media websites (e.g., Facebook and Instagram). Back then I felt more empowered and free to do so. My views on social media have shifted over the years. I went from openly sharing bits and pieces of my life to keeping a more private image. I changed my social media names so I wouldn't be easily searched up and then I just stopped posting overall. Now, because of my different jobs and the roles in entail (very political), I stay away from social media. Sometimes I do feel like I have "FOMO" and I'm missing out on updates and great conversations and other times, I am fine with that. 

As shared with Dr. Dennen, I am coming into this course with my preconceived notions and beliefs on social media and overall Web 2.0. However, I look forward to opening up the door again to social media, social networking, and actively engaging in online communities. I look forward to learning from the course, the professor, and my classmates. 


  1. Alas, I can relate to all that you've written here. I weave in and out of private and public spaces, and private and public moments. I can point to the life events that made me become more private (in some ways) or more public (in other ways). And of course context is everything. This all sounds a bit cryptic, but I have a longer blog post on the topic brewing in my brain right now. :)


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