socially present & active

It is our second week in the semester and I am still trying to figure out what it means to be present and active in the Web 2.0 realm. As Dr. Dennen stated in her feedback - it "isn't about being the most active person, but rather about exploring what it means to be active."

I read this and wondered what does it indeed mean to be active? Am I "active" when reading my classmates' blog posts and discussions. This week has been a pretty long one and I haven't really been active. By that, I mean I didn't have much interaction until today, Sunday. But what does being active mean? Posting every other day? Interacting and commenting on others' posts? 

I have made a Blogger and Twitter account so far. I don't post regularly but I think I'll find my rhythm soon. I don't know about making an Instagram yet! I deleted the app from my phone (not my account) about a year ago and it has been great! But I sometimes feel like I am missing out on certain updates and posts since important information is posted on these websites. 

I like the choice we have in this course. To choose our own "adventure." It reminds me of the UDL principles, which this course embodies well. Yet, I freak out a little about having more freedom to go about things versus having more restrictions. I like it because it goes against what a traditional online classroom can be like. As we keep diving into Web 2.0 learning, I will find a routine/way-of-work and the meaning of being active. 

What does being present and active online look like to you?


  1. This has resonated with me. So at one point I was feeling overwhelmed because i've taken on all the tools prof has suggested so far, except YouTube. I created a separate Twitter account because I didn't want to merge my personal one but opted to use my person Instagram. I thought being active meant posting and interacting across all platforms, however, i've been mostly a lurker. I will comment at times, like and share. But I still working through being active within the community.


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