how youtube taught me about gardening & composting during the covid pandemic

Social media came in handy during the pandemic. I was at home and my students were barely interacting with me via email or whatever platform my district decided to use when schools were shut down. I decided to use my ample time at home to work on projects like many others did. One of them was gardening and through gardening, I became interested in composting. I usually bought vermicompost (earthworm poop), but it was too expensive, so I turned to social media to learn how I can compost with what I had. YouTube is a good example that supported my informal learning. 

I searched for key statements like, "starting you vegetable garden," "starting your own compost" or "basics to composting" Through this search, I discovered YouTube shorts! I preferred them over the longer videos because the main points were addressed. They were very engaging and because I ended up watching a bunch of YouTube Shorts, I guess you can say that it helped me retain the information better. 

Below are some of the channels I learned from:

Here are some photos from May 2020...I was so proud of my first tomato (lol)!


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