reddit...what is going on?

I am an avid Reddit user. It's the only social media I kept when I deleted all social media apps from my phone. Watching the recent events unfold on Reddit, especially on the 'popular' tab has been interesting. It went from Redditors discussing the changes that were going on, to subreddits locking their communities as a form of protest, to moderators getting threatened and now Reddit removing their reward system. So what do Redditors decide to do? Give away all their rewards! There are sure a lot of changes going on lately!

To read more about it:,and%20the%20existing%20system%20sunsetted


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Nancy :-)
    Your post is such a great illustration of digital citizenship. Especially, it show how media literacy can lead people to mobilize, first as individuals but eventually as groups, and make them protest against changes they might might view as democratic issues, or at least limitations of their freedom of speech. It also addresses the question of ownership on Web 2.0: should users have the same voice as administrators? Should ownership be shared between those two types of stakeholders?


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