social media activism and the barriers from a regime

"In a movement that involves such a wide variety of people, communities and perspectives, it can be difficult to find a way to coalesce everyone’s political agenda. Social media overcomes this issue, acting as a public platform airing competing opinions. As Setright explained in the case of Nicaragua, “Social media was a key tool which everybody used to organize, protect each other, collect evidence, discuss political tactics, expose paramilitary violence and build new exiled communities.”

In April 2018, Nicaragua experienced a civic insurrection during which numerous citizens reacted against the authoritarian government of President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega. 

Growing up, I heard a lot about the Nicaraguan regime because my dad was born and raised there. Most of his side of our family still lives there to this day.

It was thanks to social media that we were updated with all the horrors that were going on in his country. Thanks to social media, many of Nicaragua's citizens found their voices and bravery to share what was happening with the rest of the world. 

My roots are not as deeply connected to Nicaragua as my fathers are, but these events spurred a lot of emotion. Here is social media being used for a vast movement, which gave me a better picture of living in my dad's country. It helped me better understand bits and pieces of his life, because they were still taking place. 

Since the insurrection, Nicaragua has passed laws restricting content on social media. This webpage provides insightful information on what took place in the country and the laws passed since then. 

I also enjoyed reading this article, Nicaraguan activist shares social media’s role in politics, by Mary Retta. The whole article was a good read. I was especially curious about the course Eva Woods Peiró, professor of Hispanic Studies at Vassar College, taught called "Decolonizing Digital Media."


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