the possibilities of trello as a tool for collaboration

This week we explored a few more additional tools, one being Trello. Below is a small blurb I took from Trello's website:

"Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, Trello tells you what's being worked on, who's working on what, and where something is in a process."

I explored the EME6414 boards and it made me think of Padlet...but fancier looking for the eyes. I really like the design of Trello. I have yet to explore it, so I am unsure about the significant differences and similarities between Trello and Padlet. However, I thought about how this tool could benefit my department. Below are some thoughts:

  • My department will be launching a knowledge management system within our agency. We call them "desktop procedures." We are looking for ways to capture our day-to-day tasks that aren't mentioned in our position descriptions. The goal is to successfully identify our main and daily tasks (desktop procedures), identify the "why" of the functions, and successfully communicate them in case someone new transitions into our positions. Trello would be a great way to capture our desktop procedures as a department by suggesting things we may have missed or just bouncing ideas off of one another. 
  • Our department creates training for our state office. Trello would be a good place for collaboration and knowledge sharing between participants. If it's an ongoing/long-term training/PD, this tool can help maintain collaboration and workflow.
I look forward to using it more in this course!


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