using padlet to capture student work for STEM event

This past year, I was the program manager for the Florida Department of Education's Sunshine State Scholars. Each of Florida’s school districts, including lab schools, select their top 11th grade students in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM). Each scholar and their parents traveled to Orlando for a program designed to bring together scholars from around the state, connect them with employers specializing in the STEM fields, and create networking opportunities between the scholars and schools from Florida’s College and State University System.

My team was in charge of running one of the engagement activities. The students were tasked with finding clues/questions in specific coordinates around the hotel the event was being hosted. Then they had to collaborate with their group members to answer the questions. The questions involved something along the lines of the population in Florida growing exponentially and how that affects infrastructure, the environment, etc. Students were then asked to connect their responses to STEM. 

Our team wanted to find a way to integrate technology and some form of social media with the students since many were experts. Padlet would be an excellent way for students to record their answers and see other groups' responses. Furthermore, it helped our team record this information, collect data, and present it to leadership to show why this program is important and why we needed further funding. 

If you want to explore the Padlet and the responses from our event, please visit

Have you used Padlet? Is there an instance you thought it was an effective tool to use?


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