the best of EME6414

  • This was the first class that encouraged students to add each other on LinkedIn and it didn’t feel weird to do it. (Maybe other courses do this as well but it’s only my third semester).
  • To elaborate on the previous point, EME6414 made socializing with other students outside of Canvas easy.
  • Helped me improve my writing skills on different platforms. Different platforms serve different purposes so becoming familiar with what works/what doesn’t work, condensing information and the opposite was helpful!
  • EME6414 changed my prior conceptions about social media and overall Web 2.0. It really can be a powerful tool! It helped me see the “why” with platforms like discussion posts and other tools.
  • Seeing Dr. Dennen blogging and engaging on social media with us. It’s nice to see professors interacting with us and doing the work!


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